We recently published our blog article about using Evernoteto organize you & your entire life.
See our Previous Blog Post if you missed it the first time.
Our endorsement of a 10+ year old product that some might characterize as "stale" in today's tech world, may have raised some eyebrows - particularly from those who fancy themselves as "techie trendsetters". And especially from a company that has undergone some internal strife and accompanying management changes over the past couple of years - how could we recommend this?
As much as we value being on the cutting edge of personal & business productivity, one of the fundamental tenets of our success has been the value we place on " rock solid " technology. And business transparency. Over the years, especially the last year, and more recently just a few months ago, Evernote has displayed an all-around corporate persona of transparency, technology advancement, and rock solid current performance that is outstanding! Their current CEO, Ian Small, has hosted a series of Behind the Scenes videos outlining in very direct, informative terms where they are, and where their going - and growing. AND, in the 4th quarter of 2019, as part of revitalizing their technical infrastructure, they moved the location of their entire collection of over 9 BILLION notes! They accomplished this without telling anyone - and NO ONE NOTICED ! This is the technical equivalent of changing all 18 tires on a fully loaded tractor-trailer while speeding down the highway. Unbelievable.
Now, we admit there ARE some exciting, emerging competitors to Evernote entering the market. Some with envious features. Often accompanied by a steep learning curve. The proverbial " shiny object ". If you want something that "just works" and powers efficiency and productivity, Evernote deserves a look.
So what does all of this mean to you? It depends. Depends on whether you want/need better personal or business organization. Depends on whether you've ever heard of Evernote or perhaps have "dabbled" with it in the past. Either way, if you find yourself unable to find "stuff", recall information, put your hands on the owners manual of your leaf blower - or whatever, Evernote may be for you. And we're here to help, if needed.
Want to see the possibilities? Grab Evernote freebies from us:
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